Taylor & Lauren

Friday, August 22, 2025 • Big Sky, MT
162 Days To Go!

Taylor & Lauren

Friday, August 22, 2025 • Big Sky, MT
162 Days To Go!


Big Sky has MANY amazing lodging options offering something for everyone, no matter your preferences or budget. You can choose from various vacation rentals, including hotel rooms, penthouses, cozy cabins, convenient condos, and private homes, to fit any budget and length of stay.

Two special lodging links have been created. You can locate these below in the lodging link section.Feel free to further explore all your options by visiting the main lodging page for Big Sky, which can be found here.

**It is recommended by the Big Sky Wedding team to book sooner than later due to the popularity of Big Sky in the summer months**

Lodging Guide

As you turn off Gallatin Road into the Big Sky area, one hotel option is the White Water Inn, which will be the most economical but the farthest away.

As you continue to travel north, you will pass through Big Sky Town Center, which is a community full of life, shopping, breweries, restaurants, groceries, etc. The lodging link(s) do NOT include properties in this area, but you can stay at The Wilson Hotel and locate options on AIR BNB and VRBO. The Welcome Party on Wednesday and Free Concert on Thursday are located here.

As you continue up the mountain, you will drive into Big Sky Mountain Village. This will be where the majority of your lodging options exist. The Summit Hotel is also the location of the wedding reception. You can choose from multiple hotels, houses, condos, and penthouses.

Finally, the last stop and the most northern is an area of the mountain called Moonlight, which is also the location of the Hastings Cabin. The cabin is where the wedding ceremony will be held. Both lodging links will provide you with options here that include mountain homes, cabins, and chalets. You can also locate other options on AIR BNB and VRBO.

Lodging Link(s)

The link below has been specifically tailored to our Wedding including a group discount and quick insight on the availability of many Big Sky properties during August 20-August 24. Please make note that property options include, hotel rooms, penthouses, mountain homes (small and large), condos, cabins and chalets. You do NOT need to book your lodging through this link.

**The Summit Hotel located in Mountain Village is the location of the reception**


A local property management team has graciouslly offered an exclusive 20% discount with Promo Code TAITWEDDING for all of their properties. Please note these properties are all in the Moonlight area.

Please follow the link here https://www.vacationmoonlight.com/